Project Proposal
The Project Proposal provides an initial description of the project’s goals. It offers:
- a flavor of what the application will accomplish
- why the user should use this application
- why this application and approach are superior to the competition’s efforts
It is also an opportunity to recruit certain skills that you may need or that teammates would learn.
Requirements of Project Proposal
The Project Proposal will consist of the following.
Project Abstract
The Project Abstract will provide a concise description of the project and include:
- A top-level description of the requirements.
- A conceptual design.
- Background reference to similar products.
The abstract should avoid phrases such as:
- "We are a team from Temple University ..."
- "This application fulfills a class requirement ..."
- "I am doing this because ..."
- "Our team has decided to ..."
Examples can be found on software websites, advertising brochures, and in the introduction section of many manuals.
Here is a short example:
TestItAll sets a new standard for automating software testing and development. A series of user-defined menus will enable testers to create easily regression suites without the need to learn a proprietary programming language. And on, and on, and on, for at least half a page of text.
The Project Abstract will be placed on the project development web page/wiki and repeated as the introduction to all other documents associated with the project.
Optional but strongly suggested: include a project logo no more than 32 pixels high and no more than 128 pixels wide.
Top Level Requirements
Describe the requirements – i.e., what the product does and how it does it from a user’s point of view – at a high level.
Conceptual Design
Describe the initial design concept: Hardware/software architecture, programming language, operating system, etc.
Required Resources
Discuss what you need to develop this project. This includes background information you will need to acquire, hardware resources, and software resources. If these are not part of the standard Computer Science Department lab resources, these must be identified early and discussed with the instructor.
Background & References
The background will contain a more detailed description of the product and a comparison to existing similar projects/products. A literature search should be conducted and the results listed. Proper citation of sources is required. If there are similar open-source products, you should state whether existing source will be used and to what extent. If there are similar closed-source/proprietary products, you should state how the proposed product will be similar and different.
Proposal Template
The following is a markdown template for your project proposal. Please use your own words.
Section #, as well as any words that quickly give your peers insights into the application like programming language, development platform, type of application, etc.
## Project Abstract
This document proposes a novel application of a text message (SMS or Email) read-out and hands-free call interaction between an Android Smartphone and an infotainment platform (headunit) in a car environment. When a phone receives an SMS or Email, the text message is transferred from the phone to the headunit through a Bluetooth connection. On the headunit, the user can control which and when the received SMS or Email is read out through the in-vehicle audio system. The user may press one button on the headunit to activate the hands-free feature to call back the SMS sender.
### High Level Requirement
Describe the requirements – i.e., what the product does and how it does it from a user’s point of view – at a high level.
### Conceptual Design
Describe the initial design concept: Hardware/software architecture, programming language, operating system, etc.
### Required Resources
Discuss what you need to develop this project. This includes background information you will need to acquire, hardware resources, and software resources. If these are not part of the standard Computer Science Department lab resources, these must be identified early and discussed with the instructor.
### Background & References
The background will contain a more detailed description of the product and a comparison to existing similar projects/products. A literature search should be conducted and the results listed. Proper citation of sources is required. If there are similar open-source products, you should state whether existing source will be used and to what extent. If there are similar closed-source/proprietary products, you should state how the proposed product will be similar and different.