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GitHub Classroom for Onboarding

GitHub Classroom is a key tool in our capstone course, integrating seamlessly with GitHub to manage student projects. It simplifies assignment creation, distribution, and management.

In the capstone course, we use GitHub Classroom to:

  • Set up project templates, specifically using the course’s Docusaurus template.
  • Allow students to join their projects with an easily accessible template, focusing on content creation and collaboration.

Instructors can map students’ emails to their personal GitHub accounts by uploading a list of names and asking students to select themselves. This process is fast and seamless, enabling students to quickly integrate into the course’s GitHub organization and collaborate effectively.

This streamlined process ensures that all students start with a uniform foundation, promoting effective teamwork and maximizing productivity from the beginning of their projects.

Instructor Access

At the beginning of the semester, I will invite instructors and TAs who email me at with the subject line ADD-TO-COURSE-GITHUB. This will provide access to all course GitHub features and assignments.

GitHub Classroom Setup

Every semester, I update with a new GitHub Classroom link. This page contains all assignment details for students to join GitHub and set up Docusaurus.